Thursday, January 1, 2015

Why do I like movies about war and holocaust?

I guess the main reason is that they set a scale to the human suffering.  When you complain about your life not turning the way you want, you not being able to afford a new car model, or you not getting advancement you watch a movie like that. So what?
Nobody is crushing your bones or pushing you into a railroad car.  You have an opportunity to change a course of your life.  Sure with years every person accumulates a baggage of disappointments.  But you also had good times and you learned the lesson.  When I watch movies about war and holocaust I can see from a distance how well I live.
At the end what matters is how you feel now in the moment.  If you can change something then change it and stop talking about it.  Otherwise make a Peace with what you cannot change.  The important thing is you can change your perception.  That way you can even change your past!
YOU want to watch good movies about war and holocaust?  My two  personal favorites are The Pianist (2002) and Counterfeiters (2009)
Be happy and joyful this 2015.  Appreciate what you have and go after what you truly want!

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