Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why the artist should never ask for an opinion of his family members or spouses?

We all try to be loved or liked. So when we created something and we want other to see it we ask people who are the closest. What is wrong with it? Everything!

Unless the person we ask is and artist, or studied art or involved in an art trade the opinion is an ignorant one. In case of a spouse or a family member it is even worse. Often they either do not want to hurt your feeling or sometimes they do. In either case the opinion is loaded and not objective at all even if they are connected to art in some way.

I do even care for the opinion of the buyers unless they commission the art based on my previous work. It seems as the buyers always want to have what you do not, doesn’t it? Sure I can gladly paint another copy of my work with the shifted spectrum. But when people say why don’t I paint “this” or “that” I think to myself why don’t they do it? I paint what interest me and what I (hopefully) can sell.

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