Monday, April 12, 2010

Zen for artists

If you decide that you want to change something in your life, you should start thinking what you are willing to give up before you start thinking of what you want to add. It is not a revelation or my discovery. It is Zen. Each one of us has only limited amount of time, power and everything else. For the artist the least costly things to give up would ignorance and illusion.

Many artists live in the world that they create for themselves thinking that they will be discovered. Unless one does something about it the discovery never happens. It may not happen even if one does something about it… Ignorance comes from an idea of originality. Since many people are programmed that they are special, they start thinking that what they create is also special. It is a delusion. Many original ideas are not original at all if one looks at the history. Most popular products on the market are those that are promoted in some way. “Most original ideas” on the market are often only originally packaged. Creating most entertaining context for an image can be the deal maker. And discovering it can be entertaining art in itself.

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